As a home seller, you might be hesitant to make renovations to your house, due to the feeling of uncertainty. Think again, though, because making small upgrades to features that most home buyers are looking for will go a long way. Even though every home buyer has their own personal preferences when buying a home, there are several features that are highly desirable for most. Here are a few features that can help to sell your home and get a better return on your investment.
This first feature is perhaps the most important for almost all home buyers: central heating. A recent post from Tepilo shares the importance of a heated home:
The importance of a heated home and keeping that heat in
When selling your home, you'll want prospective buyers’ most in-demand features to be at the front and centre of your sales strategy.
The top two property must-haves – by a comfortable margin – were central heating and double glazing (82% and 80% respectively).
Fortunately, many of the top 10 must-haves are eminently achievable. It's highly likely that your home will have central heating, double glazing, secure windows and doors and, if it's a house or lower floor flat, garden space too.
All in all, you should have a home with plenty of must-have features which will, in turn, improve your chances of selling for a good price. Via
Though most houses in the market nowadays already have central heating installed, making sure each part works will go a long way.
Next in our list is kitchen features. A new post from Rusty Hanna talks about why this room is so important in a home sale:
Kitchen Features
You’re wondering, though, “Is my home desirable to potential buyers?” Unfortunately, even in this seller’s market, the answer may very well be no. So how can you ensure your home is truly ready for the open houses to come?
The kitchen is still the heart of the home, and Florida buyers want their kitchens to have certain features. For example, buyers are very likely to want stainless steel appliances in their kitchen. Another feature they are likely to look for is granite countertops. Homes stay on the market for less time with these two features than homes without them. h/t
The kitchen is among the most integral rooms that home-hunters watch for, so it's a no-brainer that it's a priority. If your kitchen is a bit outdated, even simple changes like painting cabinets can help considerably. Just make sure that you have the budget to do the kitchen upgrades, as
going overboard helps no one.

Make a few upgrades to your kitchen!
Lastly, is having a smart home feature. A recent post from Investopedia discusses the rise of popularity of smart home features and how you could take advantage of it:
Smart Home Technology
Homebuyers are taking notice. In a 2016 survey by the National Association of Realtors (NAR), 42 percent of agents said their clients were interested in smart home devices.
A 2017 smart home survey by HomeAdvisor found that 77 percent of millennials have purchased a smart home product, compared with 50 percent of Gen Xers, and just 25 percent of those 55 and over.
“On a new-build property, smart home technology is almost an expectation,” says Steve Centrella, a Redfin agent based in Washington, D.C.
Smart home technology has become a major selling point for home buyers in the past few years. There are a few notable features that you can easily install to your house such as a smart lock which will give a great first impression to home buyers.