Phase : “You and Me Vs. the World”
The early days were pretty “cowboy”: On the marketing side, Tom & Breanna were some of the first agents in Canada to start using a drone for aerial photography/videography. Enjoy their cheesy first production here.
They came up with some principles to follow when designing how to best help people, and they split the work up.
That became the secret of the A-Team’s future success: recognizing that buying and selling were two completely different real estate experiences, which, in turn, meant the two roles should be split.
Tom’s Master’s in Economics from the University of Oxford, along with Breanna’s Degree in Finance, allowed them to make their buyer and seller clients aware of the seriousness of the oil price collapse on the local real estate market.
Going to most of their appointments together, Breanna and Tom, totally in love, tried to bring smiles and some level of comfort to their clients, despite the tough news they had the responsibility of delivering.