By The A-Team | May 01, 2018 | Fort McMurray- Buyers Advice
When you're going to buy a house, you'll likely be hoping to get the best price you can. This is where negotiations come in: as a buyer in a crowded market, you have an advantage. Here are a few price negotiation strategies you need to consider when going after your desired home.
Before you (or your agent) negotiate, it's imperative to be aware of your limits. A recent post from Finder explains why it's important to know your budget beforehand:
This will also make sure that you're only spending what you're willing to spend.Be aware of your budget
Be sure you know your numbers before you even begin to look at properties. What is the maximum amount you can borrow comfortably? If you don't know, get a quick estimate with our calculatorThat doesn't mean how much the bank will lend you. It means how much can you realistically afford to repay each month. Don't borrow any more than this, even if it's offered. You may be able to buy a bigger home, but if you're under major financial stress you won't enjoy it.
Once you have an idea of your maximum budget you can get to searching for suitable properties. This brings us neatly to the next important negotiating tip...
Next is to do your research and dig enough information before embarking.
There could be a lot of information you can get that will be able to help you negotiate a better deal. This not only saves you money but will give you a better edge when it comes the time for negotiating.Do Homework before Embarking
Negotiation is an art which you need to master upon because it helps in investing in the right deal without wasting money. When it comes to property dealing, negotiation is an important part which shouldn't be left out. Some people are born negotiators and know how to get the deal under perfect price, without fetching out much. A real negotiation is a crisp and logical dialogue between buyers and seller, which would profit both once the deal is struck. If you are confusing yourself between bargaining and negotiating, then you need to get things right. h/t
Lastly, is to understand the market dynamics. A recent post from Zolo shares why you need to be able to understand the market before jumping into the negotiation process:
There could be a huge difference when it comes to a buyers and seller's market. You certainly want to negotiate in a buyer's market, as there are more homes for sale.Understand the market
When it comes to real estate and homeownership, knowledge is key. Although your real estate agent will be able to present the market and guide you in the art of negotiating the right price of a house, it’s also wise to do your own research and consider which strategies you want to try. This will help both of you understand negotiations of a home purchase price.Before you can jump into the negotiation process, it’s always a good idea to know what type of market you’re heading into as a buyer. If you’re negotiating the price of a house in a buyer’s market, there will be more homes for sale than there are buyers to purchase them. In this case, you have more power to offer under the price you want to pay and ask the seller to pay for closing costs or leave the appliances. However, if you’re negotiating the price in a seller’s market where there are more buyers to sell to, it won’t be as easy. Not only will you have to move more quickly, but you’ll also have to stick to the basics when it comes to financing, appraisal and the inspection. If the market is balanced, anticipate getting and giving until both you and the seller are happy. read more